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Friday, October 22, 2010

I found the pictures from last week so, a week late but here they are.

This is a quilt Beck finished from the quilt walk.  It is so pretty IRL.

LaVee hand quilted this beautiful star.

Here we are listening intently to Holly so we can put our books together.  It was kind of like a puzzle.

I don't know if you can see the cute paper but each book will be unique and they are super cute.  Holly spent hours getting the kits ready for us.

Here is Beckys latest block.



  1. What a great group of ladies. Thanks for the show and tell.

  2. Looks like you gals had fun. Wish I could have been there.

  3. You sure know a lot of talented ladies.
    Love all the projects.

  4. Such beautiful work. I hope I can come again soon..I am improving "slowly".
