The story of the quilt walk

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I think Applique is charming.

Rubyslipperz is doing an interview with Amy on her blog today.  You might want to take a look. 

These turtles are one of my very favorite quilts of the show.

Two of the booths that I really enjoyed were mostly applique.  This first one was new to me and soooo cute.  These are from Amy Bradley Designs  again too cute.

The Second booth was by a designer I have talked about before, do you remember the story of the worry dolls?  Well I was so excited when I saw Kellie's Don't Look Now Booth  there were the worry dolls and so much more.  The booth was fantastic and full of beautiful appliqued quilts and wall hangings and oh my. 

the vehicles on this bed quilt were awesome.

Here are the worry dolls.   l loved every one of them.  Those pillows would be so cute to personalize.  I wonder how long a doll would take to do.  I am afraid that by the time I got one done the little girl would have grown up and gone.

Her Christmas trees are awesome.  The wreath is beautiful.  Someone said it didn't look much like a Christmas wreath but I think it does if you live in Australia.

I hope you enjoyed these. 


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thouroughly modern quilts

I have pictures of a large number of quilts that are pretty modern.  I don't usually do modern but these really caught my eye.  These quilts are from the school house day. 

I have more modern quilts from the show room.  I will add a few of these and make another post of them because I took quite a few pictures of what I thought was modern.  Not wonky but more than traditional.

this quilt is from Anaka's Treasures and is in her new book I think.

I took this picture because I bought some bali pops at sample spree and thought this would be a fun quilt to use them in.  The cream one with brights.  I do like the darker one to. this was on the end of the Hoffman booth.

Love this zig zag quilt.  It is on my list.  I believe this is in the Lencien booth.

This was at school house.  The class talked about doing borders as blocks rather than strips.  The quilts were really striking. 

The black on this quilt is done in blocks.  I loved this quilt.

Another one from Anaka's Treasures

Enjoy! Jan

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Have you noticed the new button on my side bar? It is Happy Hugs

for Chemo Quilts.  One of our teachers at quilt walk is Emily Bailey.  I am quoting Emily's blog "  I've started having Happy Chemo Sew ins to make quilts for Happy Chemo, an organization that gives gifts to cancer patients.

  To help contribute to this charity you can come to a "Sew In." We will have a room at the Quilt Walk Festival where you can come and sew on a quilt, contribute fabric, quilt on a quilt or anything you think would be helpful. 

(this image came from moda bakeshop)

(this one is a google image I think it is from artfire)

I have a stack of bow tie blocks to contribute.  I am trying to decide whether to just sew them together or have a plain block spacing between them.  I think this will be lots of fun so if you have some extra fabric, time, talent to share, or anything you would like to contribute to the "Sew In"  come on in and sew.  Look for the Happy Chemo Quilt Sign. 

 Enjoy Jan

Quilts of Valor, I saw at market

I am sorry I  did not get pictures of all of them but loved these.

these ended up on their sides but wanted to put them up for the Memorial Day Weekend. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I am loving the new "Sew Cherry" line of fabric and Lori's new patterns. Nancy Murty too! And lastly simple pineapples.

I was pretty excited to score some "Sew Cherry" fabric at sample spree at market.  Lori Holt of Bee in my bonnet designed the fabric and the quilts in these next pictures.  Look at this awesome table topper.  I think my favorites in the line are the larger than life gingham.

Lori is famous for aprons and applique.  She had made lots of real aprons but I was having some trouble with batteries and missed the aprons.  If you want to see all the aprons Rae Ann at Cutie Pinwheel  has a post on them up today.  Visit her site to see the great fabric in them.

This pattern is called dishes I think.  Too cute.

This might be my favorite pattern.  How fun.

the fabric makes these look so happy.

Sorry I can't remember the name of this one, but isn't it a summery quilt.

this is the last one I have a picture of.  It is called cake walk.  Do any of you remember participating in a cake walk?  I do.

Nancy had a class at school house showing her darling patterns for babies.  She had an adorable lion quilt .
  Your could use each of these patterns on any quilt for baby.

How sweet is this?
then she began showing some of her other quilts.  They are beautiful.

Same pattern, two color ways.

the last thing I want to show you tonight,  are the pineapple quilts taught by Karin Hellaby.  Besides getting to listen to her musical english accent I was so excited to see her method to make "Sew Simple Pineapples"  I ordered her book tonight. 

I can't imagine how she was able to think up this method but it is facinating.  Don't you love the colors in this next quilt?

And this one

I hope you enjoyed this small tour of things I saw at market.  I still have tons more pictures. 

Enjoy Jan

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tea Cakes, celebrations, curves, sugar and spice

I was so enthralled with school house at market and want to share more of the great quilts and ideas. I took over 400 pictures so have patience with me.
This line of fabric is Tea cakes by Verna Mosquera for WFI lifestyle fabrics.  These first two quilts are all about tea time cakes and candy.  I thought they were so cute and I love the colors of the fabrics.


Here are the fabrics in a more traditional quilt.  I love it.

Another Class I went to was called "It's time to make curves"  After seeing these georgeous quilts I had to have the curved template that she designed. 

I was able to find it in her booth on Friday but she was out of the first book.  I wanted it before I start on these.

I think this next quilt is called Moon in the window.  It also uses two sizes of the template.

How fun it this one?

So now I am on the hunt for the Crazy Curves original book.

Remember the fabric Lauren picked out for her quilt?  I was able to attend the presentation of it by It's designer Amanda of the Quilted Fish for Riley Blake.   It was so much fun. 

Do you love this covered button bracelet.  Amanda is so creative.

What a cute quilt.  Amanda themed her presentation on the Mad Hatter.
I don't know if you can see it on this but the green sashing is gathered ruffles.  I think the fabric is so cute.

I may have to copy this pillow. 

Thanks for looking. 
Enjoy Jan!