The story of the quilt walk

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun stuff at sew night.

Becky brought  a way cute cowboy quilt tonight.  She just has the binding to do.

Nan laid these out and got them sewn together. 

Lavee made herself a skirt like she's been making for her granddaughters.  It turned out great.  I really like the fabrics she used. 

With left over fabric she is making these boot blocks.

She also has a bunch of the boot blocks for a little boys quilt.

Donna brought her turning twenty and is working on one more border and the binding tonight.

Here is one of the placemats for our quilt walk project.

This is a block Helen is working on.  Looks fabulous IRL.
Another placemat.  Of course I have nothing to show because I spent the night visiting.  Lana had a fun quilt but for some reason it didn't show up on my memory card.  How does that happen?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I saw a quilt that is totally personalized. Love that.

the lady that made this, made it for her niece.  I asked her if I could post it and she gave me permission.  I love a quilt that totally reflects the person it was made for.  It appears her niece is a very talented young lady. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wait till you see the classes the Green Tomatoe Girls are offering

Moonlight buddies is all wool applique.  Aren't those to just to cute. 

I know some of the ladies that are super excited to be taking this class. 

They taught this class and the Sisters one two years ago I think. 

Alice said this is their most popular.  You can check them out at green tomatoes

I think this one is super cute.
I asked the ladies to tell a little about themselves and this is what Alice said,
  "Whitley" is the quilt we are to teach this year (I hope) and also "Moonlight Buddies" which is strictly wool applique. It is a good way to learn the basics of wool applique--it is so easy to do! Even people who don't like to do applique have really enjoyed it. We offer kits for both of them if they are pre-ordered

Last year we introduced the "Design and Create in 5". It is a simple pattern combined with a special assembly method that allows you to complete the quilt top in 5 hours or less. The pattern front shows it in 4 different color waves and different borders ideas. The beauty of this quilt (besides being able to put it together quickly) is it can be personalized to any theme you choose. If you come by our booth, you will see several adaptations and get some ideas to get started. You can easily use fabrics from your stash or check out the kits we have with the fabrics already pre-selected. It is great for wedding presents, baby quilts, TV quilts, wall hangings etc. It can be expanded or shrunk to any size desired. It is just so versatile--anyone can do it!"

Friday, April 22, 2011

More from quild

Is this too cute.  Nellie made it for her sister who came to the Bryce retreat for the first time with her featherweight.

Crystal and Shari gave us an overview of landscape quilts.  This is from a class taught at Bryce.  Do you recognize the red canyon tunnel? 

These look really fun to do.  I am not sure I have the patience for it thought.

these patterns are  by Carol Johnson.  Really beautiful

Shari does hers differently and she showed us how she auditions fabric for her ideas.  She put this one together right in front of us.  How cool is that.

Shauna showed us this color wheel that she got from keepsakequilting.

Here are some of the completed blocks from our BOM, black and white with a crayon color. 

Shannon made this cute pin cushion.  The bottom is a lid off some bubbles. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Show and tell from quilt quild

This has got to be one of my very favorite quilts.  She used a green check to frame the flowers from last years block of the month.  Don't you just love the way she set the corners together?Sheri has two granddaughters graduating next month.  She made each one a quilt to suit their personality.  The best part is she used fabric she already had.  Here is the first one, bright and bold.
The pink one is a turning twenty that she said was so much fun to do.  This one more sweet and calming.

The little "spring" quilt greeted us as we signed in.  I do love Easter colors.
Kay made flirty little skirts for her granddaughters for Easter.
Keela's sampler put together.  Sorry for the blurr, I am getting used to a different camera.   This is so interesting with the border and the way it is set together.  I could look at it for a long time.
Keela and Shari show the quilt bags they made from the instructions given last month.  They will hold tons.
Shari told the story of her mom being nicknamed the bluebird lady and how since she has passed away she tries to incorporate one on each of her projects.  Although this is a black bird this idea is still there.
She added pockets to the insides, sorry they don't show.

Nellie made this adorable baby quilt with the pink and brown lilly and will II fabric.  I am loving the ruffle around the out side.   

Look at the quilting on this.  WOW.  This fabric looks and feels like a satin but has a lighter feel.  Beautiful baby quilt.

There is still more to come in the next post.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Even more sew night, blocks that have a history and even a recipe

Lila Tueller fabric.  A sneek peek at a Quilt Walk suprise.

This is someones purse, and I forgot to ask who it belonged to but I believe it is like the class that is being offered at the festival this year.

the balloon festival is paring up with the American Cancer society this year and this is a quilt they are auctioning off as a benefit.  Lot of work in those ribbons Becky.

Dianne is making this georgeous Lone Star quilt.  The colors are really striking.  The camera doesn't do it justice.

Mary Lou brought a pistashio cake that was so moist and good it just had a hint of glaze on it.  I asked her to send the recipe, now to see if I can find it. Pistachio Cake

1 pkg white cake mix
1/4 c flour
1/2 c water
1/2 c milk
1/2 c oil
5 eggs
2 pkg Pistachio Instant Pudding

Mix all and beat until smooth
Bake in Bundt pan in 350 degree oven for 50 minutes or until done

This quilt is one that Mary Lou's friend sent to her and asked her to quilt.  It has been stored for many years and Mary Lou felt it was too fragile to quilt with her machine so she is sending it back and suggesting she have it hand quilted. 

My third grade teacher's name was Mrs. Lynn.  I remember we were all a little afraid of her as third graders.  As I grew up and had children of my own she lived through the block from me and I got to know her better.   

 She was quite a quilter and was an interesting person to visit with.  Her life had had more than it's share of sadness but you would never know it talking to her.  I helped her when she had some health issues in her later years and in fact she was still quilting for people in her late 80's.

I still have a tricot quilt on my bed that she made when she was close to 90.  I believe she was 93 when she passed away.    Yes, there is a reason for this story. 

Before she passed away she gave JeriLu some fabric. Jeri has decided to make the farmers wife pattern and she showed me the blocks and pointed out that she had used Mrs. Lynn's fabric in most of these. I love that and so would Mrs. Lynn, I think.