The story of the quilt walk

Monday, January 31, 2011

One of the classes at the Quilt Walk Festival this year will be this awesome mini album.

Quilt Walk Festival

Holly is putting the kit together (no need to bring anything) and teaching all the techniques needed to finish it that day.  She did a class for our sewing night and you can see Claudia's results here and mine here.  She gave me one for Christmas with the kids pictures in and it is really stunning. 

It is a fun class and something different and not to high pressure for the last day of the festival.  I will have more about the festival as I get it.  Claudia has posted about celebrity trunk show and teacher this year.  Go on over and see what she has to say.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

It is up! The classes are posted. Now how do I choose?

 Quilt Walk Quilt Classes
Oh my, there are baskets, and bags even one crocheted from fabric.  There is a class in Brazilian Embroidery. I have seen the awesome memory album and  there are more quilts that I am sure I have to do. There are just not enough hours in the festival.  They are even having classes to teach you to use your own sewing machine to quilt your quilts.  I know many of you already do that but I have only hand quilted quilts and now I send them out to the professionals.  Maybe I should give that a try. 

Right off I can see a conflict on Saturday.  I have wanted to do a hunters star (#55) quilt for a long time.  Last year I saw this fantastic black and white quilt (# 50)that I put on my list.  Then on the same day at the same time there is Judy's purse (very cute) (#59) and Pam's basket(#54).  How do I make a decision.  Very often I will wait until the one I want is full.  I vowed not to do that this year but maybe that will narrow down the choices.  I am going over to feast on all the eye candy over there and check out all the classes. Be sure to click on the quilts to get a better picture.  I will post more about them later.  I hope you like it as much as I do.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yea! sew night. We didn't have any finishes but plenty of great projects.

This Sunbonnet Sue block is one that Helen is making for her great granddaughter from cloths that her daughter(helen's) made for the little girl.  She said she can't find her other blocks but knows they are in her sewing room.

Another Sunbonnet Sue.  Betty does such good hand work.  This panel is the center for a quilt she is doing. 

Marilyn is working on these blocks.  It was a night for hand work. 
Lana brought this top and her pattern to show us how to make this.  Wow! I don't know who comes up with these idea.  It is a creative way to cut fabric to get this pattern.  I can't wait to try it. 

Kenda is fixing up a pair of her jeans to look like the really expensive ones.  She will finish sewing these flowers on then use studs and bling on them.

Pretty dang cute, I think.

Shannons natavity wool work piece is going to be beautiful.  If you have been following the blog you have seen it grow. 

I brought  some tube strips that I am hoping to make into a lap size quilt.  the blocks won't be in this order but here are the ones I have cut.

these are shannons black and white blocks for quilt guild block of the month. 

As soft as this looks it feels even softer.  Donna is making this from left over yarn.

I hope you enjoyed our sew night.  We are starting to really look forward to the classes being up for the Quilt Walk.  Soon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Normal Days, I do love my normal even, to some boring days..

I saw this quote over on Melissa's site and it just hit so close to home  to remind us we should treasure these.  It seems we don't value them until we are in crisis of some sort.

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure
you are.
Let me learn from you and bless you before
you depart.
Let me not pass you by in a quest for some
rare and perfect tomorrow.
Let me hold you while I may for it may not
always be so....."  Mary Jane Iron

All to often we spend our time like Dr. Seuss said in his book The Places You'll Go

"Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a Better Break or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or Another Chance. Everyone is just waiting."

I wait for sew night to do my block of the month or for something I ordered to get here before I sew or scrapbook or whatever. Waiting for to bind the quilt before I get out another project.  I am trying to do better and not play the waiting game quite so much.

For those of us going through the loss of a loved one, faced with an illness, changes we don't want and some we do  we  remember our normal days as a treasure and pray for them to come again.

I saw over on Lori's site she is having a fabulous giveaway oh her patterns.  If you haven't seen her patterns they are works of art.  Go on over and look at her site. lori's blog

Her patterns are applique and they are so intricate. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

the last pictures I got from show and tell

Remember how I said I love chains?  I love double and triple chains even more. 

Sandy's daughter came and they spent their time sewing.  Are these soooo cute. 

Mary had a whole stack of these given to her by a friend. 

And Last of all doesn't this chicken and egg quilt just tickle your fancy.  It does mine.  Until next time.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Show and Tell from guild meeting

there are so many talented ladies here. Connie is having twin granddaughters. She didn't want to do the matchy thing with their quilts. I think these are great. There is a lot of work in those blocks. I bet these will become favorites.

Last year each month was a new flower block.  Here is Sherri's put together.

this quilt was made for Iris.  The colors are not showing up well but it was made of stormy blues.

I know who did these quilts but my mind is drawing a blank.  If they are yours please comment or send me a note.  They are great.

I really like chains.

The applique flowers in the corners really finished off Kay's quilt. 

I am sorry my computer keeps kicking me off the Internet so I will post the rest of the pictures next time. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Our guild is going to do a black and white with a box of crayons, block of the month.

don't you think that sounds like a fun idea. Each month we will be doing a different block and use black and white.  Each guild meeting we draw one crayon and that is our accent color for that month. This month we are doing Jacobs ladder as our block. Here are three that were done as examples. It is so fun to see different ways they can be done. I drew out a pink, it said carnation pink, not what I would usually choose but I do have some in the stash. I picked one for a friend who was unable to come and she got an aqua. I can't wait to get started. Maybe that is what I will do at sew night next week.
I will begin our show and tell pictures next time.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

We had our first quilt guild meeting of the new year last night.

Florence gave us a lesson on choosing colors for our quilts.  She then showed us some quilts where the colors give the feel of the quilt.  Like these season quilts and the Christmas quilt. 

She then showed us this fabulous quilt she got in a kit. She said she  never in a million years would have selected these colors.  Look how great they look

Sorry for pictures being a little blurry.
More quilts tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yes! I have a finish. I had not had one in so long I was beginning to feel like a fake

quilt blogger.  This one was fun to make.  I am trying to begin labeling my quilts and I like the idea of naming them also.  What do you think I should name this one?  I am not sure yet who will get dibs on this one.  I am hoping to get some of the new moda labels they are so very cute. 

Tonight is quilt guild meeting so watch for it tomorrow and prepare to be amazed! 


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yea! Sew night and a Sneak Peek at a Quilt Walk Festival Class.

Claudia made this Apron.  Is that Pocket too cute. She said she has 6 more to make.
Carolyn brought this Afghann to work on.  Crocheting is really coming back.  I loved doing these in the 70's and now they are cool again.  I hesitate because you know my record for finishes.  They would be out of style and maybe back in before I got them done. 

Wendy brought this hexagon guilt her mother had made because there was no binding on the quilt.  I think they are still talking about the kind of binding it needs.  Isn't it beautiful.  Those colors make a feast for my eyes.  Love lots of color.

Claudia and Nan went to Brigham City to take some classes from the Nickle quilt lady. (sorry I can't remember her name.) Nickle quilts because she uses 5" squares for each block.   Claudia taught us some of the techniques they learned and will be showing us more the next time we meet.   She also showed us a trick with using "cheap" shelf liner, just a small piece, under the rulers when we cut with the rotary cutters so the rulers don't slip. She said use cheap because the good stuff is thicker and holds the rulers to high off the fabric.

Shannon brought this cute fabric to show us.  I think she is still working on building her stash but I can't wait to see what she does with this.

Debbie said she is going to get her advent calendars ready for next year so she is starting not late.
This is the background.  The colors are so pretty in this and she will attach the pieces with buttons.  

Here are the pieces she will attach to the panel.  She has three in the works but with grandkids who knows she may need more by next year.

Jerilu brought this bag to show us.  It is to carry and protect the fiberglass top we use attach to  our sewing machines to make the sewing area bigger.  I know she had a name for it.  I hope you know what I mean.

I had people ask me about the pattern for Dianne's quilt from the post last week.  Here is the pattern company for it.

Kenda has started one of the wall hangings like Shannons.  It is going to be beautiful.

Shannon brought peanut brittle to share.  Yummm

Ok all, this is the sneak peak.  This is a sample of the class Claudia will be teaching at the Quilt Walk Festival. 

Look how gorgeous that star is.  Classes will be up the first of February.  Keep you eyes open for it.

I love how the nine patch fits into the star within a star. 
